Procrastination of the Intellectual Kind...

If you can read this, thank a teacher.

- Anonymous teacher

Saturday, 19 November 2011

The Plan

So I couldn't really decide how I should structure this; should I write a list of books that I will be reading and reviewing and the stick to it, or should I just pop up with a review of whatever takes my fancy at any one time?

The O.C.D side of me, loves the thought of the list but the reader in me is screaming "there should be no structure to your reading!!!" (wow apologies for the exclamation mark overload there but I feel they were the only way to get across how angry the reader is.) Anyway I digress and of course admit that the reader is right and the thought of having to stick to a set list of books fills me with dread. I will however post a weekly list of what I happen to be reading at that time, just so you know what to expect.

I should probably add a disclaimer to the blog as well....I read TRASH. Not just trash, I'd like to point out, but there is a lot of trash on my book shelf. DESPITE this at least I'm reading. I promise you that I will also be reviewing the Classics, biographies and autobiographies, memoirs, non-fiction and the like but I will not be giving up my fluff for anybody.

The first list will be going up right after this :-)

Aj x

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